Friday, May 26, 2006


As I sit here at this keyboard this morning, my heart is aching. Aching for my brother, aching for his girlfriend, aching for my parents, and aching for my other siblings. I have always been the type of person that wants to fix things. I want to make it all better. But through the years of my own tribulations I have realized that I am not in control. God is in control. He tells us "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" in Isaiah 55:8. What did He just say? I am not in control here?

But now, I know that what ever I am going through, that He is with me. Always! He is always present to comfort me if I let him. "I, even I, am he who comforts you." Isaiah 51:12. As we acquaint ourselves more and more with God , then we will find His grace and the peace that He offers us. He has offered to help keep us strong, ok not help, but TO keep us strong regardless of what happens! Our God is able to free us from our hurts. But we have to let Him in!

Sometimes, I am so amazed at the power of our Father. He created the earth and EVERYTHING on it. He created the beautiful flowers, the sunsets, the beautiful creatures, even the ugly ones. He created us, in His own image nonetheless. He created all of this. Now tell me why wouldn't we give it all back to Him? He is the Almighty One! He offers to carry our burden!

Now tell me this, if you had a huge load to carry all by yourself. I mean big stuff! And you are walking down the street with all this "stuff" and a man comes up to you and says "Let me help you carry some of that for you, it looks like way too much for you to carry alone." What would you say? Now really what would you say? Of course you would let him help you. That is what God is asking us. He WANTS to help carry our "loads". Give it to Him, not only does He want to help us carry it, He wants to carry ALL of it for us! He wants us to walk along side of Him to wherever He goes, while He bears the burdens. I heard a saying once, I'm not sure if I remember it exactly but it goes something like this...Give ALL your worries to God, He's up all night anyway. Well, when you think about it like that!? How easy is that?

Now when God's word becomes apart of your life, then you have something to base your life on. When a problem arises or fear sets in, you will have the confidence, because of God's word! God wants us to come to a place of knowing Him so well that we can feel his comfort. And we can feel His peace. Even when there seems to be no reason at all for it! Then, when we are weighed down by the anxieties of the world, of life, He can lift us up and wrap His arms around us and comfort us. This is one of God's awesome ministries to us!

The things that happen to us are simply the result of living in a fallen world. We have a choice. We can allow the things of this world to make us bitter or make us better. Not a very hard choice, honestly, it isn't. We can accept His comforts. He wants to carry our burdens and our anxieties.

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you." 1 Peter

Let Him carry it, get rid of it! Give it to Him!

LET HIM IN! Do you hear me? You know who you are, just do it!

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