Thank God it's Friday! For whatever reason, this week has seemed to last a lot longer than normal. But then again, it is already January 26th. This month is almost over. It has blown by. It is time to sign Jessica up for softball and Jackson up for baseball. This is my favorite time of the year. I love watching my kids play ball. LOVE.IT!
Jessica has her first REAL babysitting job tomorrow. She is excited. I can't believe she is getting old enough to do that. She is so mature for her age. I am very proud of her. She has been quite moody lately, I am kinda wondering what that means. Actually I reckon I kinda do know what that means. Soon her poor little body will be going through some pretty significant changes. Of course we have talked about it, she knows what to expect. But she is still my girl.
Tomorrow night is our monthly Flip Flop Club dinner party. This month it is at Ivette's house. I have been pretty excited about it all week. We really haven't done alot together since before the holidays. I miss all my peeps! But unfortunately I may have to miss it. Jessica is going out of town with her Nana Saturday night and my Mom is going out of town too. There goes all my sitters. Maybe something will work out. I really do need time out with the girls, but it'll be OK! Next month I will be hosting the dinner party. I am a little nervous because these girls have had such fun parties, I am not sure I can top any of their parties. Just trying to think of what to cook has been kinda stressful for me. But I will get it all figured out, I am sure.
I kinda feel like I am rambling away with this post. I really have nothing exciting going on so I am just typing some random thoughts. Hope that is OK! Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend. Remember to stop and smell the flowers, relax, slow down, enjoy life to its fullest. Take a bath (I took a long hot bath last was awesome...I highly recomend it!), enjoy friends and family, praise God for everything He has put in your life.