Thursday, July 20, 2006

Thanks Beth!

You know those friends that you have that you can go years and years without seeing them or even talking to them, and when reunited you pick up right where you left off. Well, I have one of those friends.

We have been friends for as long as I can remember. When we were kids, we were always at one another's house. Our Moms were friends and we all went to the same church. Spending time with her and her family was a great big part of my life. I took my first trip to the mountains with her. I even remember them taking me to Silver Dollar City, I think in Tennessee. We were on the train ride around the park and the "bad guys" jumped the train and took me hostage. It was so much fun.

We went to elementary school, junior high and then high school together. We had the best time in youth group at church. I am sitting here smiling right now remembering all the fun times we had. Lock-ins and rafting trips and tons of other fun trips with church and her family. Oh, and the boyfriends and heartbreaks. Ok, maybe I am not smiling now....just kidding!

Well, this friend came into town this past weekend to visit her sister and called me Monday night asking me to lunch on Tuesday for my birthday (which was last week). She came over and we went to Ruby Tuesdays. The kids are in school so it was just me, her and her daughter. We went at about 11:30 and can you believe we stayed until around 2 something? It was so cool. Her daughter, Grace, was so good and patient and let us talk for hours. We talked about old times and old friends and the fact that we are getting old. She reminded me last week that we can no longer check the 18-35 box anymore, boy are we getting old! (Which box is next, am I in the same box as my mom now?)

Anyways, I know that she reads my blog so I want to thank her 'publically' for the time out and for the adult conversation and lunch. My son called me twice and could not believe that we were at lunch for that long. It was so nice! So, thanks Beth for an awesome afternoon. I hope that you enjoyed the rest of your vacation week. I can't wait till you come back again or maybe I will take you up on the invite to your family farm in NC. I love ya girl!

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